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Providing food, medicine and education to the poor in Pakistan.

Parents in Pakistan struggle to find the resources to provide in the needs of their children. Low income has an effect on so many people who live below the bread line. We provide food to as many struggling families as possible. We pay for medicine and try to keep the children in school. We need people who are more fortunate to partner with us and provide for the poor.

A large part of donations received will go towards buying food parcels for the elderly and widowed families in Pakistan, and keep ophaned children in school.

Influential Missions extended ministry to South Africa, helping unemployed families and the elderly with food and medical expenses.

We also support families in need in Australia by providing food parcels on request.

Although the Covid-19 pandemic changed the world, we still provide in the necessities of people in need, and bring relief to many people who do life hard.

Please consider to partner with us and make a difference in the lives of these people.

Your donation can feed a family, keep a child in school or pay for medical treatment.

You can support this mission by giving a donation of any amount, or partner with us by sending regular donations.

All donations are tax deductible in Australia.
Click the button below for more information

Charity isn’t about pity, it is about love.”
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

Mother Teresa

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